Do Spiders Poop?

If you have a pet spider or plan to get it yourself, you might wonder about their poop habits. A lot of spider lovers have different questions about the behavior of a spider to its physiological features. In case you are wondering, do spiders poop? Then, you have landed in the right place. Here you … Read more

Do Spiders Sleep?

Spiders are harmless in general and make wonderful pets. If you love to explore and watch animals, a spider can be your ideal subject. They might look intimidating, but do not impose any threats. Spiders are different from any pet and how they sleep, eat and give birth are often unknown to most people. A … Read more

Do Spiders Drink Water?

Spiders are often an enigma to scientists and pet enthusiasts due to their antics and life cycle. Contrary to popular beliefs, a spider can be a great pet for anyone searching for a low-maintenance pet. A lot of people often have one common question- Do Spiders drink water? Well, the answer is-“Yes!” A spider is … Read more