How Do Moose Mate?

In the months of September as well as October, the bellows of a bull can be heard from a distance. The male moose is desperately searching for a female moose or cow in order to mate. Winter is a crucial time for these species. If the adult moose do not mate in time, it will … Read more

Where Do Moose Go In The Winter?

According to Northwest Trek, Moose have evolved over the years in order to be able to survive harsh winters. They stock up on food for the falls and try to conserve their energy by not moving as far as possible. It is like stocking up your pantry in the winter so that you need not … Read more

When Do Moose Come Out?

Whenever you are passing by an area having a high population of moose, please drive slowly. It will help you in avoiding a collision with a passing moose. If you see a moose nearby the road or in the middle of it, please stop your vehicle and allow it to pass. Also, make sure that … Read more

How Fast Do Moose Run?

Are you thinking about how to outrun a moose? In order to do this, you will first have to know how fast do moose run. It will also depend on how fast you too can run. To know the details on the questions as to how fast a moose can run and what are the … Read more

How Do Moose Get Brain Worm?

Brain worms are very common in the large hoofed species of the deer family like moose. They often get infected accidentally while browsing or grazing. Brain worms can be treated with drugs used to treat infections caused by parasitic worms. Corticosteroids are given to the moose to reduce the inflammation in their brains that occurs … Read more

Why Do Moose Have Antlers?

Being the largest member of the family of deer, moose are marvelous creatures that can be seen in the wild. Moose are best known for their unbelievable antlers. These can grow up to six feet in length and their weight is around forty pounds. In order to learn about these beautiful animals fully, you have … Read more

Where Do Moose Sleep?

People residing in moose-prone areas, often find one which is sleeping right next to their abode. A moose can sleep in both a standing position or while it is bedded. The head and neck of a moose remain relaxed in their standing position. But the ears of a moose are like a radar antenna. It … Read more

When Do Moose Give Birth?

The annual rut or mating season of moose occurs during the end of September and the beginning of October every year. At this time, the bulls are always busy searching for females. The bulls indulge in fights with other males to earn the right of mating with a cow. Generally, bulls mate with a number … Read more

How Long Do Moose Live?

The moose is a six feet tall animal. Over the years, it has evolved into the largest member of the family of deer. They are habituated to live in cold environments. They survive and protect themselves from thick cushion-like fur. They move easily with their long legs and wide feet through deep snow and avoid … Read more

What To Do If You Encounter A Moose?

If you are an outdoor enthusiast who often visits the jungle, there are chances that you might have encountered a moose. They are normally non-aggressive creatures. But there may be certain situations when moose may charge and attack human beings. So, if you are planning to go hiking or camping, it is very essential to … Read more