Rabbits also breathe to inhale oxygen (O2) and exhale harmful carbon-dioxide (CO2). Due to their nature, rabbits usually breathe differently. Often pet owners get anxious due to the fast breathing rate of a rabbit. Their breathing pattern is faster. Hence, read here on how to differentiate their normal breathing and other health symptoms related to breathing.
Do rabbits breathe fast? Yes, rabbits breathe faster than humans. A rabbit usually has a respiratory rate of 30 to 60 breaths per sixty seconds. During the activity, a rabbit’s respiratory rate may increase.
In general, you can notice their faster respiratory rates if it lies on the back. If the rabbit has a clean nose, clear eyes and breathes silently, the rabbit is breathing normally.
Does the breathing rate change?
Well, the respiratory rate of a rabbit can change even during normal circumstances.
In general, a rabbit may take one breath per two seconds while resting. It can increase up to one breath per second during playing or any activity. Often rabbits shake a little due to their faster breathing rate, which is noticeable in the smaller breeds.
Do rabbits breathe fast when hot?
Rabbits may also breathe faster during the summer. On a hot day, a rabbit will breathe faster. Hence, you need to provide them with a cool and shady place where they can rest.
When do you need to take action?
But, you need to learn to differentiate fast breathing from a dangerous health symptom.
Rabbits are the prey of larger animals and need to remain as safe as they can. Hence, most rabbits are quite capable of hiding their discomfort.
You need to be careful and pick up other symptoms to make a decision. If a rabbit breath more than 60 cycles per minute, you need to check out for other symptoms like-
- The rabbit has wider eyes, and the white edges of their eyes are visible.
- The rabbit is stomping its hind leg against the floor and seems afraid or stressed. If a rabbit is afraid or scared, it may produce small fecal pellets as a result.
- They are trying to make their bodies smaller to get more oxygen.
- Their nose is filled with white mucus or discharge.
- They have mucky legs.
- The rabbit has an appetite loss and is not eating regularly.
- The rabbit is sneezing or wheezing constantly.
- The rabbit is breathing so fast that its abdomen is moving and shaking a lot.
- It is quiet and is not cheerful like as usual.
- The rabbit is injured and is in pain. The trauma will cause it to breathe faster.
If your rabbit’s breathing doesn’t slow down and it continues to feel hurt or stressed, you need to act immediately. Rabbits can have respiratory problems and heart attacks, too. It can be fatal for them. Hence, if the rabbit has any visible discomfort, it is better to immediately take it to the vet. Medical care and treatment can protect it from more health hazards.
Final Words
Rabbits breathe faster than humans. They can take one breath per second during activities. But extremely fast breathing can be a sign of any impending health condition. You may get an appointment with the doctor if the rabbit continuous to breathe faster, even during resting.