In North America, you can find four subspecies of moose. The eastern moose lives in eastern Canada as well as the northeastern United States. The northwestern moose can be seen in northern Michigan, central Canada, Minnesota, as well as North Dakota. The Shiras moose inhabits the Rocky Mountains of the United States and Canada. And, the Alaskan moose are found in Alaska and northwestern Canada.
What States Do Moose Live In?
In the United States, in total, about 3,00,000 moose live in nineteen states. These states are Colorado, Alaska, Idaho, Connecticut, Maine, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Montana, New Hampshire, Michigan, New York, Oregon, North Dakota, Utah, Washington, Vermont, Wisconsin, Wyoming, and Nevada. The largest specimens of moose are found in Alaska, which is about 2,00,000.
Moose Population in Canada
Canada has the highest population of moose in the world. It has a moose population of approximately 5,00,000 to 1 million. There have been considerable shifts in the distribution of moose starting from the initiation of settlement in Canada. Many of the states which had no moose in the pre-settlement days are now abundantly having these species of the deer family.
Moose Population in the Country of Russia
Russia is the second country in the world in terms of the highest population of moose. Some of the environmental variables such as annual mean temperature are the main reason behind this huge moose population in Russia. It is the highest in European Russia that is situated west of the Ural Mountains. The population of moose is however two to three times lower in taiga and tundra.
Moose Population in Sweden
Sweden is the third highest country where moose are found in abundance. Moose are found in Bergslagen forest, Jonkoping, Nybro, Dalsland Moose parks, Vedyxaskogen Nature Park, and Sälen Moose safari. The population of Moose in summer is estimated at approximately 3,00,000 to 4,00,000. However, 100,000 moose are shot in the annual hunt every autumn.
Moose Population in Asia
The population of the East Asian moose is generally found in abundance in the territory of Russia. However, Mongolia and Northeastern China also have a smaller population of this species of the deer family. In Siberia, the population of moose is relatively stable. And, as per the latest reports, the population of these creatures is increasing in the Peninsula of Kamchatka.
Moose Population in Europe
The state of Finland has a population of 1,15,000 moose. In Norway, the number was around 1,20,000 in the winter season. Latvia has a population of about 21,000 moose. In Estonia, the number is approximately 13,260. Again, the population of moose in Lithuania is around 14,000. The state of Poland has 2,800 moose and the Czech Republic has a small number of only 50 moose.
Final Words
If we follow the reports of biologists and hunters, the population of moose is declining day by day. This has resulted in the big cut in moose hunting permits in recent years. The question remains, but still why is the population of moose declining? There is no clear answer from the wildlife biologists. However, predators, ticks, and habitat loss are the most probable reasons.